Its primary firepower is in the arms, so if in doubt, remove its guns! Unlike the Canon variant, it also packs 2 spare tons of ammo to provide some endurance on the field. When facing one, it is likely to be in a sniping position far from the front, so sneaking up on one is the most successful strategy.

Take advantage of this variant's speed and Jump Jets to strike from unexpected directions, and keep your foes at arms reach if possible. It is, however, also fitted with two CERML and two CERSL, giving it teeth for close range and some capability once out of ammo. Backing up this lethal pair are two CLRM10, solidifying this Mech as a long-range skirmishing tool. Its Primary weapons are a pair of CGauss, able to strike out to 900 meters with precision and devastating firepower. The Mad Cat MkII Prime is one of the most versatile and deadly Assault Mechs available to the Clans.